Three Reasons Why Video is a Must for Your Recruiting Efforts

BFM had the amazing opportunity to produce a recruiting video for Hanson Professional Services, a national consulting firm, headquartered in Springfield, IL., that specializes in engineering, planning and allied services. Hanson deals with clients in both the private and public sectors including railway, airports, infrastructure and many more. To show this visually, we filmed in various locations they have had projects such as an Airport and a University in Florida, Refinery and Bridge in Texas and Union Station and University in Illinois. Our goal was to show that although Hanson’s work is global, their company culture remains very personal and they all feel a part of a tight-knit team.

Thus, we interviewed team members from various levels and positions at different locations to hear their testimonies. Next, we filmed ten employees saying a few scripted lines that we later pieced together for the intro and outro of the video. This technique highlights Hanson as a unified company and shows their audience that their company’s people-focused approach is what makes them successful. Check out their video below.

Here are three great reasons why video is a must in your company’s recruiting process:

  1. Showing vs. Telling: Providing actual footage of your company’s work offices, projects or services is much more beneficial to candidates than reading it off a screen. “Showing” also allows for a candidate to envision themselves in your work environment better and make the decision whether they want to work for you or not.
  2. Staff testimonies: Including staff testimonials in your recruiting video is a must. It is proven that candidates are more likely to believe other people’s reviews (especially employees) on a company than the company itself.
  3. Storytelling: Using video allows you to tell a story about your company’s brand, culture, and working style to differentiate you from the competition. If done right, it can humanize your company and entice job seekers to apply for the position.

There are many benefits to including video in your recruiting process; most importantly it will leave a lasting impression on your target audience. If your company wants to stand out from the rest of the competition, let BFM help you produce your own recruitment video! Reach out to us at

BFM Group Inc.

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